Can we please stop

Kinja'd!!! "Boss2452stolemylunchmoney" (boss2452stolemylunchmoney)
02/24/2016 at 21:10 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!3 Kinja'd!!! 52

I’m quite over Alissa Walker. That’s all.

In other news, I made biscuits and sausage gravy and bacon and eggs and hash browns for dinner and I’m certain it’s going to kill me.


Kinja'd!!! CB > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 21:13


That sounds delicious.

And all I have to say is that clickbait is clickbait.

Kinja'd!!! TheHondaBro > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 21:14


That is literally the stupidest article ever. She makes the point that taxi passengers don’t have steering wheels, so passengers in autonomous cars shouldn’t either.


Kinja'd!!! Matt Nichelson > CB
02/24/2016 at 21:16


Pretty much. I know this is her job, but it’s just gotten ridiculous at this point.

Kinja'd!!! Matt Nichelson > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 21:16


Mmmm sausage gravy.

Kinja'd!!! Ryanator122 > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 21:17


By that logic airplanes shouldn't have controls either.

Kinja'd!!! DrJohannVegas > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 21:19


Plan A:

Step 1: Buy Gawker

Step 2: Handle Editorial Oversight. Heck, you could even fire AW.

Step 3: Profit.

Plan B:

Step 1: Stop Whining.

Step 2: Keep Not Whining.

Step 3: Profit, at much lower investment cost, hence better ROI.

Seriously, I hope they cross-post an article for every whinging post on Oppo.

Kinja'd!!! Boss2452stolemylunchmoney > TheHondaBro
02/24/2016 at 21:20


What’s funny is that it’s not even her point. I heard the same story verbatim on NPR on the way home from work. It was actually a direct quote from a Google executive.

Kinja'd!!! Boss2452stolemylunchmoney > Matt Nichelson
02/24/2016 at 21:20


Fuck yeah!

Kinja'd!!! Boss2452stolemylunchmoney > CB
02/24/2016 at 21:21


It was delicious... I mixed it all together and ate it all in one giant pile with some hot sauce.

Kinja'd!!! Boss2452stolemylunchmoney > DrJohannVegas
02/24/2016 at 21:24


How about no. It’s even more annoying because you can’t even comment on the site to counter her idiotic points because your comment won’t even show up. It’s like they’re just talking to hear themselves talk... Kind of like you.

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 21:26


There is nothing better than Breakfast for Dinner.

And I agree 100%. Twice today Jalopnik had Trollish cross posts and it’s getting stupid.

Kinja'd!!! Matt Nichelson > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 21:28


Isn’t that basically stealing then? I remember several people from ESPN getting busted for doing things like that

Kinja'd!!! DrJohannVegas > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 21:28



Also, some of us aren’t in the grey on Giz. So, I talk to let my voice echo off the canyon walls.

Kinja'd!!! Matt Nichelson > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 21:29


Homemade is best made.

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > Birddog
02/24/2016 at 21:30


Help a newbie, por favor : What do you mean by “trollish cross post?”

Kinja'd!!! Boss2452stolemylunchmoney > Matt Nichelson
02/24/2016 at 21:31


I feel like i never quite get it right.

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 21:32


We can only hope... ;o)

Just ignore her.

Kinja'd!!! Boss2452stolemylunchmoney > Rusty Vandura -
02/24/2016 at 21:35


In this case he is referring specifically to Alissa Walker making posts about how much she hates cars and thinks we’re all selfish dumbasses for even thinking about buying them.

Kinja'd!!! Boss2452stolemylunchmoney > Birddog
02/24/2016 at 21:37


Breakfast for dinner is one of the better choices, although my favorite is chili.

Kinja'd!!! Berang > DrJohannVegas
02/24/2016 at 21:39


Whining about whining.


Kinja'd!!! DrJohannVegas > Berang
02/24/2016 at 21:40



Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 21:40


Yes, I understand the beef with Alissa, but it’s the cross- part that I do not understand. (Pardon me if I seem slow; it’s because sometimes I am ...)

Kinja'd!!! SVTyler > Matt Nichelson
02/24/2016 at 21:42


Gawker likes to copy and/or summarize other people’s content on their own posts and justify it by calling themselves a ‘blog’ whenever someone calls them out on it, like they have no ethical responsibility like traditional news sources. Best example is how many times Reddit or some other news site is credited at the bottom of a Kotaku article, they just trawl r/gaming and add like six paragraphs of their own commentary.

Kinja'd!!! DasWauto > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 21:43


Yes, we can stop, stop bitching about it and just not read those posts that is.

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > Rusty Vandura -
02/24/2016 at 21:45


The Boss covered part of it. The other post was about our infrastructure causing the ground to sink that barely had any facts and was only cross posted because it had a picture of a flooded road as the lede.

They know it’s going to rustle jimmies.

And who are you kidding? You ain’t no “newbie”!

Kinja'd!!! BmanUltima's car still hasn't been fixed yet, he'll get on it tomorrow, honest. > Rusty Vandura -
02/24/2016 at 21:46


The post is on Gizmodo, then shared to Jalopnik, making it crossover to both sites.

Kinja'd!!! scoob > DasWauto
02/24/2016 at 21:46


Don’t you think it’s a bit shit-stirring-y though? It’s like going to a steakhouse and then everyone inside is a vegan telling you not to eat meat.

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > Birddog
02/24/2016 at 21:48


You flatter me. So somebody makes a comment on Oppo that refers to a post on Gizmo or Jalop or Jezebelle and that’s a cross-post?

Kinja'd!!! Berang > TheHondaBro
02/24/2016 at 21:50


And yet train passenger cars have emergency brakes. As well as elevators, and escalators, and probably all sorts of other things people aren’t usually in control of. And there’s a good reason they have emergency brakes and cut offs.

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > BmanUltima's car still hasn't been fixed yet, he'll get on it tomorrow, honest.
02/24/2016 at 21:51


By mere reference, or by pasting the actual link? Or either?

I find it fascinating how dithered folks get about what she’s saying. I’ve only been at Oppo a few months and there are already one or two commenters that I actively ignore. As for the FP, I pretty much ignore all of it/them, their churlish, infantile, crude attempts at humor and coolness. Oppo is a downright pleasant place to be.

Kinja'd!!! Berang > scoob
02/24/2016 at 21:51


Not every article she writes is shit. But then again, not every article she writes necessarily has to be shared.

Kinja'd!!! Birddog > Rusty Vandura -
02/24/2016 at 21:51


The articles in question were cross posted to the Jalopnik FP.

Kinja'd!!! McMike > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 22:03


I just need to know who is cross-posting these.

Is it Patrick’s idea, or is this someone else’s agenda?

Kinja'd!!! Boss2452stolemylunchmoney > McMike
02/24/2016 at 22:16


Honestly no idea, but it’s getting really tired. Even more tired by the fact that I’ve somehow migrated back to grey, so my ccomments die slow death in oblivion.

Kinja'd!!! Wacko > Berang
02/24/2016 at 22:23


The way I see it is that these are shared because they are auto related. Like it or not, they are a portrait to the future of cars. Someone at gawker is super stoked they are getting the car guys/gals + nerds to click. And she is a tech journalist, if it wasn’t her posting these it would be some other tech journalist to post about it.

I don’t like it at all, but sadly I believe this is actually the future of driving. I only hoped it would not change in my lifetime.

Kinja'd!!! wiffleballtony > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 22:30


Clearly you haven’t been paying attention. Sausage eggs and hash browns don’t kill people, cheap gas prices and cars do.

Kinja'd!!! BmanUltima's car still hasn't been fixed yet, he'll get on it tomorrow, honest. > Rusty Vandura -
02/24/2016 at 22:33


There’s a “share” function in kinja, where it will then appear to the selected blog.

I know what you mean. I go to the other parts of the internet and am reminded of the barbaric demeanor that is so common-place.

Kinja'd!!! DrJohannVegas > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 22:42


FWIW, it’s not Jalopnik putting you in the grays. If the post is on Giz, then crossposted to Oppo, you still need to be followed on Giz to be out of the grays. One of the quirks of the sharing system.

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > BmanUltima's car still hasn't been fixed yet, he'll get on it tomorrow, honest.
02/24/2016 at 22:43


The cloak of anonymity is too offen the end of civility. Oppoland is a place apart. When I follow a link and it takes me to Jalo, I just hit Back .

Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > BmanUltima's car still hasn't been fixed yet, he'll get on it tomorrow, honest.
02/24/2016 at 22:45


For example. That’s different than pasting a link, right?


Kinja'd!!! Rusty Vandura - > BmanUltima's car still hasn't been fixed yet, he'll get on it tomorrow, honest.
02/24/2016 at 22:48


So in this case, who actually shared what?


Kinja'd!!! Chariotoflove > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 22:53


Maybe it’ll kill you, but you’ll die happy. And about the AW stuff. She sounded reasonable and rational on her Oppo thread the other day. That leads me to believe the inflammatory tone of her gawker articles are just trolling for clicks, which is gawker SOP anyway. So our SOP should be as always to just not read if we don’t like it. It’s always pointless to go protest on the Gawker comments. No one hears you.

Kinja'd!!! Chariotoflove > McMike
02/24/2016 at 22:56


I suspect it is Patrick from things he or the staff have said about being open to debate, etc. and inviting Ms. Walker to Oppo the other day.

Kinja'd!!! mazda616 > Boss2452stolemylunchmoney
02/24/2016 at 23:04


I'm over her as well. I've never heard of or seen someone so against cars. Somehow, in her life, she must have been really victimized by one. The passion she has for hating them is quite real.

Kinja'd!!! DasWauto > scoob
02/24/2016 at 23:11


Gawker media thrives on shit stirring. We should have all accepted this by now.

Kinja'd!!! Boss2452stolemylunchmoney > mazda616
02/25/2016 at 00:12


I might even normally agree with some of her points... Like keeping cars out of city centers, for one... But she’s so combative about it, I can't.

Kinja'd!!! McMike > Chariotoflove
02/25/2016 at 05:13


That would be unfortunate.

Kinja'd!!! Boss2452stolemylunchmoney > Chariotoflove
02/25/2016 at 07:42


Yeah, I learned my lesson to even open her articles.

Kinja'd!!! BmanUltima's car still hasn't been fixed yet, he'll get on it tomorrow, honest. > Rusty Vandura -
02/25/2016 at 08:20


Someone on Jalopnik (We don’t know who) shared it. Probably Patrick. But it doesn’t say.

Kinja'd!!! Roundbadge > McMike
02/25/2016 at 09:21


The problem I have with the cross-posting is that rarely does a Jalopnik article show up on Giz. Foxtrot Alpha? Sure...but rarely a Jalopnik-branded post. They’re allowed to disagree with us and tell us why we’re jerks, but we’re not allowed to disagree with them? Bullhonkery, I say. I think the junk-waving should go both ways.

FWIW, I’ve done my civic duty and not given any more of her articles my clicks...that’s the only way I’ve found to protest this. This is the first time I’ve voiced opinion, and may or may not be the last.

Kinja'd!!! McMike > Roundbadge
02/25/2016 at 09:50


Maybe it’s an effort to send some traffic over to Gizmodo?

Either way, those articles are hardly “Drive Free Or Die”

Kinja'd!!! NYankee1927 > McMike
02/25/2016 at 09:53


I feel like this is leading up to a April fools joke or something like that. The editorial staff must be laughing at us knowing their troll/joke is going over so wel.